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With over 100 years of experience, Vispring have been providing luxury beds from London since 1901.

They created the worlds first pocket sprung mattress, a design used to this day, and they’ve been at the forefront of ethical bed design ever since. 

expert craftsmanship

The sensation of waking up, feeling fulfilled and energised is something that Vispring strive to provide to all of their customers. Their aim is that your bed should be the catalyst in your pursuit of a full and healthy life. 

For over a century Vispring have been using their expert craftsmanship to produce bespoke beds for millions of customers, never deterred by the range of styles, tastes and particularities. Their ethos has remained simple since they began ‘combine great craftsmanship and great materials, and you’ll make great beds’.

Popular From vispring

natural materials

Vispring only use the highest grade, luxurious natural fillings sourced from every corner of the world, whether it be silk, bamboo, cashmere, horsetail, mohair, wool or cotton. These natural fillings have been chosen for their distinct characteristics and they’re cleverly employed by Vispring to optimise these special qualities.

Vispring are the only bed manufacturer to use 100% certified Platinum British fleece wool, following a strict clipping process that causes no harm or distress to the sheep. They alone, purchase one third of all the wool produced in the Shetland Isles, and use it for its natural ‘springy’ crimp and superior insulating properties. These natural fillings are constructed in a way to promote airflow and optimise their natural capabilities such as temperature regulation and odour prevention. Each Vispring mattress on average contains a massive 4 full fleeces of wool, something unparalleled across the rest of the industry.

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